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USCIS Translation Certification for Your Migration Documents 

Rapid Translate Team

Updated: September 15, 2024 | 6 min read

The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) usually requires many documents to process your visa and immigration applications. They also require you to translate these documents into English if you’re from a foreign country. Further, you must provide a USCIS translation certification to confirm the translation’s accuracy. 

Additionally, the certification must align with the translation requirements they provide. So, it is important to learn how to certify your translation after determining the necessary documents for USCIS translation. 

In this article, we will discuss all the translation certification USCIS requires. Read on to learn more!

A white printed paper boldly titled “IMMIGRATION.”

Understanding Certified USCIS Translation and Its Requirements

A certified USCIS translation is a document translation that meets the guidelines and requirements of the USCIS. Generally, USCIS requires that every translated document comes with a signed translator certificate and a certificate of accuracy. 

So, when a document has a certificate of accuracy and certifies its translator, it is a certified USCIS translation. 

Many people write translation off as a simple conversion of words from one language to another. However, official document translation relies a lot on accuracy and not just semantic accuracy. 

The translation must also reflect structural accuracy and the use of appropriate terminologies. That is why the certificate of translation USCIS requires is important. It verifies that the translation is accurate in these regards. The certification also highlights that a fluent speaker of both languages handled the translation. 

A blue American passport on a wooden table.

Documents Requiring a Certified USCIS Translation

You know it’s impossible to complete an immigration process without providing all the necessary documents. Similarly, you must provide a certified translation for all those documents if you’re from a foreign country. 

Remember, the absence of a certified translation can cause the USCIS to delay or deny your application. 

Therefore, learning which documents require a USCIS-certified translation is important. That will foster a smoother processing of your application. Below are some documents requiring a USCIS certificate of translation:

  1. Birth certificate.
  2. Marriage certificate.
  3. Adoption certificate.
  4. Bank statement.
  5. Academic transcripts.
  6. Divorce certificates.
  7. Death certificates.
  8. Police records.
  9. Court records and affidavits.
  10. Military records.

Remember that this is not an exhaustive list of the required immigration documents for translation

Additionally, not all may apply to you. So, research the documents required for your application and get their certified translation into English.

A man writing on some printed papers on a table.

How To Write a USCIS Translator Certification

Next to the certificate of accuracy, you need a translator certification for a certified USCIS translation. This document certifies that the translator can accurately translate documents as a fluent speaker of both languages. But how do you write a USCIS translator certification?

Writing a translator certification for the USCIs is quite simple. You can find several templates online to guide you. However, this section lists the content of a translator certification to help you draft yours. 

The certification must contain the translator’s name. It should also state that the translator is fluent in and can translate into both languages. You must then add the translator’s signature and contact information. Finally, add the certification date to conclude. 

The USCIS accepts translator certification from anyone. Your translator doesn’t have to have certification from an organization to provide you with an accurate translation.

Additionally, the USCIS does not require notarization for your translation, so you won’t need a rush notary. The translator certification and certificate of accuracy documents are sufficient to certify a USCIS translation. 

However, you must submit a photocopy of the original document you translated. The USCIS will use these to verify your translation if necessary. 

Getting a USCIS Translation Certification Statement From Your Family

The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services allows you to obtain your translation certification from anyone. That means you can get a USCIS translation certification statement from a family member. So, if you have family members living in the US who can translate your document, they can certify your translations. 

However, many people wonder whether this is a good idea. While the USCIS will not nullify the certification, using a family member is risky. When a family member certifies your translation, the reviewer may question it, considering it biased

So, getting your translation certification from a professional translator is best. Moreover, it helps to inform them that you need the translation certified for USCIS. This way, they’ll follow the specific USCIS guidelines to produce a translation and certification that the USCIS will approve. 

A person filling out a printed form on a wooden table.

Where To Get a USCIS Translation Certification Template

Since the USCIS does not mandate using professional translators for document translations, you may want to try it. 

However, it’s best to avoid using machines to translate legal documents. But you can seek friends who are fluent in both languages to translate and certify your document translation. 

Nevertheless, you must follow the USCIS translation certification template to get it right. But where can you find the correct template? You can find the correct template for USCIS translation certification on the internet. A detailed internet search will reveal all you need to include in your certification. 

For example, the certification must contain the translator’s name and qualifications and highlight the translation’s accuracy. It must also contain the translator’s signature and contact information. You must also insert the date in the certificate. These are sufficient to create a valid translation certification.

Where To Find Translators for Certified USCIS Translations

Although you can create a translation certification for USCIS, you can’t always verify its accuracy. Even the online templates are insufficient to guide you to accuracy. Remember, the USCIS demands the original copy to confirm the translation’s accuracy. 

So, it’s best to go for translation agencies to ensure they provide professional translation services for overall accuracy. But which agency can you rely on for accurate USCIS translation certification?

Choose Rapid Translate to translate and certify your documents for USCIS applications. This translation agency offers certified document translation into over 65 languages. With Rapid Translate, you’ll enjoy affordable, timely service that maintains your peace of mind. Order now to begin curating your document for a smooth application!

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