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Translate and Certify Documents for Official Use

Rapid Translate Team

Updated: November 6, 2024 | 7 min read

Documents often contain important information useful in certain processes. However, the language of documents is the official language of the issuing country. Hence, people need to translate and certify documents before using them in countries where they speak foreign languages.

Language can hinder effective communication. Hence, translation is necessary to promote understanding between parties. Also, certification proves that the document’s contents are accurate, enhancing trust. 

Read on to discover more about translation and certification documents for official use.

A globe with the word “translate” written in different languages.

How To Translate and Certify Documents 

Translating and certifying documents is a special task. Due to its complex nature, only certified translators can perform it. However, since translation and certification entail two distinct actions, you may decide to split them.

Due to this, you have two major options. One is to procure a translation separate from certification; the other is to have a certified translator handle the job. The first option enables you to cut costs; however, the second is more reliable. 

Procuring human translations means hiring a basic translator, who may be cheaper. Thus, you can drive a hard bargain for certification. However, there are free options you can explore, such as machine translation

These tools require no payment. However, they aren’t error-free, which may hinder professionals from certifying your document. Thus, while getting a separate translation can work, it’s risky. It can even ruin opportunities, as most private and government institutions do not tolerate inaccuracy.

Hence, the wiser option is the latter. Nothing compares to the validation your documents receive when a certified translator handles them. With the training, expertise, and experience certified professionals possess, they can correctly translate text between languages without bias. 

They’ll also observe and maintain the style and tone of writing and the content.

People submit documents to officials.

Document Translation and Certification

Translating and certifying your document happens in stages, the first of which involves identifying the document. Acquiring your source documents will help you understand the type of translation you need.

Since there are different translation niches, you must find a certified translator specializing in the required niche. For example, you need legal translation services for legal documents.

After getting a certified translator with the appropriate specialization, you will present your original document(s) and state your requirements. Also, state the organization you’ll be submitting to, as different institutions may have peculiar expectations.

Additionally, ensure you communicate every other important detail to the translation expert, then discuss and agree on the contract terms. This step involves analyzing the few, quality, speed, and other important factors before settling for a convenient rate.

You can then submit your document to a certified expert. After translating, the certifier writes a certification statement on a separate sheet of paper attesting to the document’s correctness. 

They then validate the statement by providing their details to show that they’re fit to verify professional documents. Finally, they sign and add an official stamp to the document to complete the process. 

American flagpoles on a building.

Can Anyone Translate and Certify a Document for USCIS?

Anyone can translate and certify a document for the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS). However, the translator must prove they are competent communicators in the source and target languages.

However, whoever translates your document influences its acceptance by USCIS. Therefore, although it’s okay for your family and acquaintances to translate for you, USCIS may not accept it. 

That’s because this government agency has high standards that someone with insufficient experience may be unable to meet. Consequently, errors and conflicts of interest can lead to visa delays or denials. 

Therefore, your certified translations are better off in the hands of a reliable third party. The best official for this is a skilled, professional, certified translator with experience and expertise in immigration translations

Such a person is better positioned to translate for you since they know the formatting requirements and other details. Moreover, a professional translator can certify your document. Hence, although anyone can translate your USCIS document, it’s best to use a professional service. 

Can a Certified Company Translate and Notarize a Document?

A certified company can translate and notarize a document if it is within its jurisdiction. Some translation companies focus on providing a specific service. Such companies cannot notarize a translated document. However, if the company provides full language services, it can notarize a document. 

Notarizing documents proves their authenticity by verifying the identity of the signatory. The notary public in charge of this process ensures the signatory signs willingly, thereby preventing identity fraud. Therefore, notarization provides document security by confirming its authenticity and verifying identities. 

People ask if a notary can translate a document from a source to a target language. Although it’s possible, such documents aren’t officially acceptable. Thus, you must hire an authentic professional service to complete the translation process. 

The document can then advance to the notary, who acknowledges the signatory. The notary confirms that the source and target documents are identical before notarizing them. 

Note that this process is only necessary for some official documents relating to immigration and other foreign legal processes. However, you mustn’t hire a certified company to notarize a document. Any reputable language service company that offers notarization will do. 

Someone signs a document.

Translate, Certify and Notarize Documents With Rapid Translate

Although any reputable company that offers translation, certification, and notarization can cater to your language needs, note that quality differs. That’s why some companies rank higher in ratings and reviews. 

Quality is paramount in delicate procedures like immigration processes. Therefore, before hiring a company, you should conduct a background check. Before making your choice, you must consider quality, speed, cost, and the ability to localize. Interestingly, one company that performs highly in all these factors is Rapid Translate. 

Rapid Translate’s stellar reviews prove it’s the best translation company in the U.S. and beyond. Our staff diligently translate and certify documents, and our services are swift. Moreover, we can handle all your demands and meet all international standards and requirements. 

Beyond notarization, we can also apostille your documents to give them more international credibility. Therefore, we are your go-to for any document demands. 

Work with Rapid Translate and enjoy global communication at your fingertips today!


Find below answers to some common questions about translating and certifying official documents.

Where can I get documents translated and certified?

The best place to certify and translate your document is a translation agency. They alone can handle both tasks efficiently and guarantee widespread acceptance. However, there are several companies you can hire. Rapid Translate stands out with stellar services and attention to detail.

How do I certify a translated document?

You are not responsible for performing certification, so you have to pay for the services of a certified translator. This individual can produce a certification statement for your already translated document or translate and certify the document at once.

What’s the difference between a certified and notarized translation?

A certified translation checks and vouches for accuracy and correctness, while a notarized translation validates the document’s authenticity. Though they serve different purposes, they’re both protective measures for validating common documents and making them acceptable.

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